Rock Against Childhood Cancer is an annual show with live bands, silent auction prizes, food and a cash bar. We hold the show at the Park Theatre on Osborne as we have since 2017. Tickets can be purchased through The Park Theatre's website or directly through any of our directors. If this event wasn't special enough, Brody's Papa, Ernie Gruhn is the night's headliner and Brody's aunt Gigi (Gillian) sings heart felt songs to remind us why we're all there. Doors open at 8PM - 1AM.

We celebrate Brody's birthday like any other, the only difference is that our birthday boy is no longer here to open his gifts. We throw a party with face painting, pizza, cake, games, and so much more ! We ask that every guest that attends brings a new unopened gift along. Once the party is over, we load up all of the gifts and prepare them for Cancer Care Manitoba. We have been donating Brody's Birthday gifts to the paediatric unit in CCMB since 2016. CCMB uses these gifts for kids who finish treatments, birthdays, special holidays and for the children who are in isolation rooms.

Our Cut-a-thon at VQ Salon in 2019 was our first! The ladies at VQ offered haircuts for a set price and of course welcomed donations and tips. We even had a few of our Team Brody kids come in for a cut and style.

Our Halloween party is filled with spooktacular fun! Equipped with face-painting, glitter tattoos, crafts, pumpkin carving/painting, baked goods, pizza, drinks, and treat bags. This event was created for our Team Brody families and friends to have a safe place to celebrate Halloween. Tickets can be purchased through one of our directors, only children require a ticket for admission.